Xurrent Help

Settings Console

Settings console

Persons with at least one role can access the Settings console to obtain an overview of their organisation’s account. There they can also review the service categories, calendars, holidays, etc. that have been defined for their organisation’s account.

Account administrators (or directory administrators in case of a directory account) can also use the Settings console to adjust the configuration of the account. And it is in the Settings console that they maintain the service categories, calendars, holidays, etc. of the account. Additionally, this console provides account administrators the ability to start and schedule exports.

Both account administrators and auditors can use the Settings console to review the audit entries and the system logs.

Account administrators, auditors and service desk managers can use the Current Usage view to see which persons have a role of their account.

The owner of the account is the only one who has access to a few additional sections of the Settings console. These are the “Account Settings”, “Legal & Compliance”, “Security” and “Password Policy” sections.

The purpose of each option of the Settings console is described below.

Account Design

The Account Design page is used to apply the organisation’s logo, colours, fonts, etc. to the Xurrent screens that the customers of the organisation’s IT services see. Branding these screens ensures that the customers recognize the environment they are in when, for example, they access Xurrent Self Service to track the progress of their requests.

Account Overview

The Account Overview page provides an overview of the account in which your Person record is registered. Apart from the configuration settings of the account, this page also lists the trust relations that have been established with Xurrent accounts of other organisations.

Account Settings

The Account Settings page is available only to the account administrator who acts as the account owner. It is used by the account owner to update the name of the account and to set the currency in which all the account’s financial information is to be entered and presented. This section is also used to select a new account owner, the language that is to be used as the basis for all translations, the time zone that is to be used for date-specific reporting, etc.

Account Trusts

Trust relations with other Xurrent accounts can be maintained using the Account Trusts page.

This is where trusts can be established and revoked. Roles from the selected account (see Account Switcher) can be made available to trusted accounts and trusted accounts can be given permission to assign tasks to the selected account.

Activity Monitor

The Activity Monitor provides an overview of all people who are registered in the Xurrent account.
It shows when these people last used Xurrent Self Service or the Xurrent Specialist Interface (in the Console Last Activity column), how many days ago they last set their Xurrent password (in the Xurrent Password Age column), when they last used Xurrent’s REST or GraphQL API (in the API Last Activity column), when they last reset their Xurrent personal access token (in the Token Age column), and whether they have already activated two-factor authentication in Xurrent (in the 2FA column).

A warning icon is displayed when the user’s Xurrent password or personal access token is more than 90 days old. The color of the icon turns from orange to red for users who have not updated their password or personal access token for more than one year.

App Offerings

App offerings allow standard connections between the Xurrent service and external systems. A provider can set up app offerings in its account and publish them for the provider’s trusted accounts. These trusted accounts can then install these offerings from the ‘Apps’ section of their Settings console.

App Store

The Apps Store section of the Settings console is used to activate standard integrations between Xurrent and other services.

Audit Entries

The Audit Entries page provides a chronological list of all audit entries for all records of the account. The view can be limited to the audit entries that were generated for a specific record type.

Automation Rule Executions

All the account’s automation rule executions are accessible from here. There is a dedicated view for executions with errors.

Automation Rules

All the account’s automation rules that have been defined for workflow templates, tasks, project templates and project tasks can be found in the Automation Rules section of the Settings console.

Billable Users

The Billable Users section is available only to the account’s administrators. It is used to track the consumed number of user-months for the account.


Messages can be broadcast to end users and specialists. The Broadcasts section is used to create and update broadcasts.


All the calendars that have been made available for the account are listed on the Calendars page.


The Xurrent service offers the ability to generate certificates. After a certificate has been created, it can be linked to one of the single sign-on configurations of the Xurrent account, provided that it uses the SAML protocol.

Current Usage

The Current Usage view lists all active persons who have one or more roles of the account. This view provides the most recent access information for each user.

Custom Collections

A custom collection defines a type of record that is not available as a standard record type in Xurrent accounts. The Custom Collections section is used to maintain the definition of these special record types.

Custom Collection Elements

A custom collection element is a record that is part of a custom collection. These special records are maintained in the Custom Collection Elements section.

Custom Filters

A custom filter is generated when a custom field, which is included in a UI extension, is made ‘filterable’, thus allowing views and reports to be filtered using the custom field’s values. The Custom Filters section provides an overview of all custom filters that have been generated in the Xurrent account.

Custom Links

The Custom Links page can be used to add links to the Actions menu. All users can then use these links when they click on the Actions button on the toolbar.

Custom Views

Custom views can be defined in the Custom Views section. A custom view is used to define which records can be selected in a custom-suggest field that is linked to the custom view.


Advanced exports of multiple record types can be started or scheduled in this section of the Settings console. These can be full, partial or incremental exports. The Export Fields page explains how the different fields of the Export form can be used to start or schedule advanced exports.

Effort Classes

The Effort Classes page lists all the effort classes that have been defined for the account.

Email Designs

To ensure that the email notifications that Xurrent generates have a signature and a layout that complies with the organisation’s corporate identity, one or more email designs can be defined. These email designs can then be applied to specific email templates.

Email Policy

The name of the sender and the reply address can be specified on the Email Policy page for all of the email notifications that are automatically sent out by the Xurrent service. Make sure that you have read the Sender Policy Framework Record information before changing the reply address.

When the Reply-to email address is defined, emails sent from the account will have this Reply-to email address in the header. This only applies to emails that can be replied to, i.e. email notifications about records that have notes.
This then makes it possible for the reply-to email address to be captured by an email server that forwards these emails to the Xurrent account.

Within the email policy it is also possible to enter an email address to which a blind carbon copy (Bcc) of every automatically generated email notification is to be sent. Setting up an email archive in this fashion may be necessary to comply with regulatory requirements or to provide Xurrent account administrators a complete log of the email that was generated by Xurrent.

Xurrent can be configured here to accept email from people who are not yet registered in the account. This causes Xurrent to register a new Person record when the Mail API receives an email from an unknown sender. It is possible to limit this setting to email from specific internet domains.

Using the setting ‘Allow email parameter #from:’ it is possible to allow a website to collect a user’s email address and other information and send that as an email to Xurrent, generating a person record if that customer is not yet known, and a new request. The sender of the email coming from that website must be entered, as well as an authentication token. Both must be present in the inbound emails, for example:

#auth: ABC123x
#from: website-email@example.com

Email Templates

The Xurrent service automatically sends out email notifications to ensure that people are notified of updates in Xurrent that are important to them. An email template is used for each of the different notifications that Xurrent generates. These templates can be customized and translated as needed.


The holidays that can be linked to the account’s calendars are listed on the Holidays page.

Inbound Email

The Inbound Email section lists all email that was received for the account. It allows these email messages to be inspected by the account’s administrators.

Legal & Compliance

The Legal & Compliance section is available for the owner of the account. This section provides information about the Xurrent service that is needed to ensure, for example, GDPR compliance.

Media Library

The Media Library contains all the media files of the account. These media files are published on a web server so that they can be incorporated in request templates, knowledge articles, email designs, etc.

OAuth Applications

It is possible to define OAuth applications in the OAuth Applications section. These applications can then be used by regular web applications as well as machine-to-machine applications (such as CLIs or daemons) to access the Xurrent APIs.

Out of Office Periods

The section ‘Out of Office Periods’ allows anyone with access to the Xurrent Specialist Interface to manage their out of office periods. They can register multiple out of office periods if they already know that they are going to be unavailable multiple times in the future. Administrators can use this section to create and update the out of office periods on behalf of the people who are registered in the Xurrent account.

Password Policy

The password policy of a Xurrent account is a set of rules that increase the security by encouraging the users of the Xurrent account to use strong passwords. This section is available only to the owner of the account.

PDF Designs

Xurrent can automatically generate a PDF file for each workflow or project approver.
It is also possible to print Xurrent dashboards to PDF.
The designs of these PDF files can be defined and maintained in this section.

Product Categories

The Product Categories page lists all the product categories that have been defined for the account.

Project Categories

The project categories that have been made available for the account’s project managers are listed on the Project Categories page.

Project Risk Levels

The project risk levels that have been made available for the account’s project managers are listed on the Project Risk Levels page.

Retention Policy

The Retention Policy can be used to specify retention periods for record types that hold personal identifiable information.

A record that is in its end state and is left unchanged for the specified archive retention period, gets moved to the Archive. Similarly, if a record is left unchanged for the trash retention period, it gets moved to the Trash. Once a record has been in the Trash for 28 days, it is irrevocably erased.

Archived records can be viewed in the Archive.
Trashed records can be viewed in the Trash.

Risk Severities

The Risk Severities page lists all the risk severities that have been defined for the account.

SCIM Users

SCIM User records are automatically created when a provisioning client is configured to send the details of users to Xurrent.

Detailed information about SCIM can be found in the developer documentation.

SCIM Groups

SCIM Group records are automatically created when a provisioning client is configured to send the details of groups to Xurrent.

Detailed information about SCIM can be found in the developer documentation.

Self Service Design

The Self Service Design section allows administrators to customize the homepage, the menu and the styling of Xurrent’s self service interface.

Self Service Settings

Administrators can use the Self Service Settings section to configure the features that Xurrent Self Service makes available to the supported users.


The Security section can be used to limit the length of time after which an inactive user’s session is terminated. It also offers the ability to maintain a whitelist of extensions that files are permitted to have when they are attached to Xurrent records. This section is available only to the owner of the account.

Service Categories

The Service Categories page lists all the service categories that have been defined for the account.

Short URLs

Specialists can use the Short URLs section of the Settings console to shorten long URLs to make them easier to share with others. Configuration managers and account administrators can review all short URLs in this section and have the ability to set or update the URI to which each short URL is forwarded. These people are also able to reserve short URLs so that these reserved URLs can be exported and used to order QR codes or NFC tags in bulk.

Single Sign-On

It is possible to configure Xurrent so that users do not need to log in separately to access Xurrent. Xurrent will then use the organisation’s existing authentication mechanism (such as Active Directory) to provide access to IT staff members as well as end users.

Detailed information about single sign-on can be found in the developer documentation.

SLA Coverage Groups

Use filters to create groups of people that can be linked in the Coverage section of a service level agreement as ‘People of the Following Coverage Group(s)’.

SLA Notification Schemes

The SLA notification schemes that can be linked to service offerings.

Support Domains

The Support Domains page is available on the directory account. Directory account administrators can add new support domain accounts. The directory account owner can also disable support domain accounts.


Surveys can be created by account designers and account administrators to let people rate the services they use. Surveys can contain star rating questions and text questions and can be filled out anonymously in the My Services section of Xurrent Self Service, once a calendar month per service.

System Logs

All authentication, import, export, job and permission events are logged in the system logs. So when a user’s attempt to log into Xurrent was not successful, a log entry will specify what went wrong. This is especially useful when configuring single sign-on. Also, after an import or export has been performed, the results of this can be reviewed in the system logs. If there are any error messages, they can be opened from the log entry. The Permission logs shows which roles have been added or removed from persons, when that happened and by whom.


Tags can be related to requests. Each request can have up to 10 tags.

Timesheet Settings

The timesheet settings for the timesheets of the employees who work for the different organisations that are registered in the account can be maintained in the Timesheet Settings section.

Time Allocations

The time allocations that people need to be able to select when they register their time can be maintained in the Time Allocations section.


Many record types, including UI Extensions, can be translated in the Translations section. Translating these records ensures that they are presented in Self Service in the preferred language of the end user.

UI Extensions

It is possible to extend the user interface by creating UI extensions and linking them to request templates, workflow templates, task templates, projects, etc. A UI extension typically contains a number of fields that ask a user to enter specific information. The Snippets feature makes it possible to create UI extensions without having to write any code. To provide maximum flexibility, it is possible to manually add HTML, JavaScript and CSS code.

The UI Extensions section is available to the account administrators of Premium Plus accounts only.

Waiting for Customer Follow-Ups

The Waiting for Customer Follow-Ups that can be linked to service offerings.


Webhooks provide a way to tell Xurrent to call a script on one of your own web servers whenever a given event occurs. They can be thought of as push notifications or event listeners. See the developer documentation for more information about webhooks.

Webhook Policies

A webhook policy can be defined for cryptographic signing of the payloads of one or more webhooks. Webhook policies are created and maintained in this section to provide an extra layer of security to the payloads that webhooks send out.

Webhook Deliveries

Each time a webhook tries to deliver its payload to a URI (a target server), an entry is added to the Webhook Deliveries section. These webhook delivery records are useful because they provide a lot of information about when the webhook attempted to deliver its payload, what was included in the payload, whether the payload was successfully delivered and what the response was from the target server.

Workflow Types

The workflow types of a Xurrent account are the options for the Type field that becomes visible in the account’s workflow templates and workflows for the workflow managers when at least one workflow type is enabled. The workflow types can be maintained by account administrators in the Workflow Types section.