Xurrent Help

Organisation Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Organisation form and provides utilisation guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilisation Guideline

The Picture field is used to add the organisation’s logo, or a picture of the main office building.

Click on the picture to enlarge it or to change it.


The Name field is used to enter the full name of the organisation.


The Disabled box is checked when the organisation may no longer be related to other records.


The Remarks field is used to add any additional information about the organisation that might prove useful.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Attach file… link is used to attach a file to the organisation. Multiple attachments can be added to a organisation.

Business unit

The Business unit box is checked when the organisation needs to be treated as a separate entity from a reporting perspective. This checkbox is available only for internal organisations.


The Region field is used to specify which region the organisation belongs to. It is possible to select a previously entered region name or to enter a new one. An internal organisation, which is not itself a business unit, inherts the region of the business unit of which it is a descendent.

Examples of commonly used region names are:

  • Asia Pacific (APAC)
  • Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA)
  • North America (NA)
Parent organisation

The Parent organisation field is used to select the organisation’s parent organisation.

It is not possible to select an organisation that is already selected as one of the organisation’s child organisations or is a child organisation somewhere lower in the organisational hierarchy.

Financial ID

The Financial ID field is used to enter the unique identifier by which the organisation is known in the financial system that is integrated with the Xurrent account in which the organisation is opened.


The Manager field is used to select the manager of the organisation.

This field is used by Xurrent to look up the approver of an approval task when it is being generated based on a task template in which the Requester’s manager box is checked. When the Manager field of the requester’s Person record is empty, or when it contains a disabled person, then Xurrent will use the person selected in the Manager field of the requester’s organisation instead.


The Substitute field is used to select the person who acts as the substitute of the organisation’s manager.

Order template

The Order template field is used to select the request template that relates this organisation with the Xurrent Shop.

End user privacy

The End user privacy box is checked when end users from this organisation should be prevented from seeing information of other end users. Organizations with this setting are always marked as external.

Contact Details

The Telephone fields are used to enter the organisation’s telephone and fax numbers.

Skype names can also be entered in Telephone fields. Prefix Skype names with skype: or callto: to ensure that they are correctly hyperlinked in View mode.


The Email fields are used to enter the organisation’s general and service desk email addresses.


The Website fields are used to enter the organisation’s general and service desk website URLs (Uniform Resource Locators).


The Address fields are used to enter the street, mailing and billing addresses of the organisation.


The Risks table field lists the risks that have been identified for the organisation.

Child Organisations
Child organisations

The Child organisations table field lists the organisational units that are part of the organisation.


The People table field lists the people who work for the organisation as employees or long-term contractors.