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Both internal organisations (e.g. divisions, business units and departments), as well as external organisations (e.g. suppliers, managed service providers and external customers) can be registered using the Organisation form.

An internal organisation is an organisation that is part of the organisational hierarchy to which the organisation belongs that is directly linked to the Xurrent account. The organisation that is directly linked to the account can be found in the ‘Account Overview’ section of the Settings console. Any organisation that is directly or indirectly connected to this organisation by means of the parent-child relations is considered ‘internal’.

An organisation is considered as external when it is defined in the Xurrent account (or its directory account) and when the organisation is not part of the organisational hierarchy to which the organisation belongs that is directly linked to the Xurrent account.

A trusted organisation, on the other hand, is not defined in the Xurrent account or its directory account. This can be either an internal or external organisation that has a trust relationship with the (support domain) account in which the organisation is registered.

Making sure that the organisations can be identified correctly by Xurrent as either ‘internal’ or ‘external’ is important. Examples of where this distinction is used are:

  • People who are part of an external organisation may submit requests only for other people who belong to the same organisation.
  • People can become the customer representative for an SLA from another account only when they belong to an internal organisation.
  • The options in the Supplier fields are limited to the external organisations, plus the organisation that is directly linked to the account.

Although it is possible to simply relate all employees and long-term contractors to a single internal Organisation record, it is strongly recommended to link people to the department they work for. This allows service level agreements to be established with specific departments.

A person must be part of one and only one organisation. Person records that are created automatically are related to the default organisation, as defined in the Account settings. This organization must have the setting ‘End user privacy’ enabled. People in such an organisation are organised together, but cannot ‘see’ eachother in Xurrent.

Service level managers need to be able to maintain the information of external service providers and external customer organisations. Configuration managers need to maintain the information of suppliers of configuration items. Account administrators are normally responsible for taking care of the internal organisations. That is why people who have the Service Level Manager, Configuration Manager, Account Administrator and/or Directory Administrator role of an account are able to maintain the organisations of that account.

The Organisation Fields page provides field utilization guidelines for each field of the Organisation form.