Xurrent Help

Analytics Console

Analytics console

The Analytics console offers different statistical views of the data that is registered in the Xurrent service. The sections that are available within the Analytics console are discussed below.


In the “Dashboards” section, people can put together dashboards from the reports that are available in the “Reports” section. Once a dashboard has been prepared, it can be shared with others by the owner of a dashboard, or by people who have the Account Designer or Account Administrator role. Dashboards can also be exported to a PDF file and sent to users and end users, scheduled or ad hoc.


A collection of reports can be found in the ‘Reports’ section of the Analytics console.

Service Insight

Service Insight provides an overall picture of an organisation’s service landscape, with dashboards for each of the organisation’s services. This overview shows SLA trends, customer satisfaction, user ratings, cost, and compliance risks.

SLA Reports

When the SLA Reports section is opened, all active SLAs are listed for which the selected account is the customer or the provider. By selecting one of these SLAs, its current month’s report is opened. This report compares the targets with the actuals for the following metrics:

  • Availability
  • Reliability
  • Responses within target
  • Resolutions within target

If the customer of the SLA experienced one or more outages during the month, then the “Service Outages” overview is visible in the report. The “Service Outages” overview shows when the outages occurred.

SLA reports for previous months can be selected by clicking on month selector in the upper right-hand corner of the report.

A request shows up in the SLA report of a specific month when this request is linked to an affected SLA that is linked to the SLA of the SLA report and the affected SLA:

  • does not have a response target and was completed in the month of the report
  • does not have a resolution target and was completed in the month of the report
  • has a response target, but not an actual response, and the response target was breached in the month of the report
  • has a resolution target, but not an actual resolution, and the resolution target was breached in the month of the report
  • has an actual response in the month of the report and the response target was not breached
  • has an actual resolution in the month of the report and the resolution target was not breached
  • has a downtime start and a downtime end, and the downtime end is in the month of the report

Note that the list of SLAs can be filtered. To show, for example, only the SLAs from a specific service provider, enter the name of the provider in the Search box.

SLA reports for SLAs that have already expired can be accessed by clicking on the Expired button, which is located just above the list of SLAs.

FLSA Reports

A first line support agreement (FLSA) specifies which team is responsible for providing first line support of behalf of the support organisation that owns a Xurrent account. Multiple targets can be defined in an FLSA. These targets are tracked in the monthly FLSA reports that are generated automatically for each FLSA. These reports can be found in the “FLSA Reports” section of the Analytics console.

Provider Reports

The “Provider Reports” section offers a dashboard that provides information about the quality of service that an organisation receives from all of the internal and external service providers that the organisation relies on. Each monthly report about a provider organisations is based on the affected SLA data gathered by Xurrent, as well as the satisfaction feedback that people have submitted.

Customer Reports

The “Customer Reports” section offers a dashboard that provides information about the quality of service that the organisation provides to all of its internal and external customers. Each monthly report about a customer organisations is based on the affected SLA data gathered by Xurrent, as well as the satisfaction feedback that people have submitted.

Current SLA Targets

The “Current SLA Targets” section of the Analytics console provides a prioritised list of affected SLAs. An affected SLA gets listed when a team of the selected account is responsible for meeting its targets.

The requests to which these affected SLAs are linked are listed in the same overview. It is important to note that some of these requests may currently be assigned to a team of the provider of a service instance that the team responsible for the affected SLA relies on.

Service Navigator

The Service Navigator offers a graphical presentation of the dependencies between services, as well as the configuration item (CI) relations. Click on a service category to see its services. Click on a service to see its service instances. When a service instance is selected, a click on one of the service instance’s CIs switches the Service Navigator from the logical service view to the physical infrastructure view. To return to the service view, click on a service instance of the selected CI.

The Service Navigator can also be launched from a request, problem, service, configuration item, etc. To do this, click on the Actions toolbar button and select the menu option “Service Navigator”.

Organisation Navigator

The Organisation Navigator makes use of the parent-child relations between organisation records to generate a graphical presentation of the organisation structure, starting from the organisation that owns the account selected in the Account Switcher.

Change Calendar

The Change Calendar provides a graphical overview of the tasks that are scheduled to be completed in the near future, as well as the tasks that were recently completed. Only the tasks that will affect a service (i.e. which are linked to one or more service instances) are presented on the Change Calendar.

Users who have the Specialist role of more than one account will see the tasks of these accounts in the Change Calendar.

Tasks that still need to be completed are presented in blue on the Change Calendar. Tasks that have already been completed are presented in grey.

When two tasks overlap in the Change Calendar and they are assigned to the same member, they are presented in yellow to indicate that there is a possible assignment conflict. Similarly, when two overlapping tasks are linked to the same service instances or to service instances that have a direct or indirect impact relation with each other in the service hierarchy, they are also highlighted in yellow to signify a possible conflict.

Resource Planning

Each user can review the workload of his/her teams in the ‘Resource Planning’ section of the Analytics console. This section can also be used to review the user’s personal workload.

Portfolio Management

The ‘Portfolio Management’ section of the Analytics console contains two views that can be used to decide which projects should get funded. The ‘Bubble Chart Analysis’ view show the value, risk and ROI of the proposed projects. The ‘Waterline Overview’ can be used to drag a number of proposed projects above the waterline to see the total effort, cost and value of these projects.


Users can go to the ‘Timesheets’ section to review their timesheets for the current and the past months. Managers and their substitutes can use this section to review the timesheets of the employees of their organisation. They can lock these timesheets after they have reviewed them to prevent them from being updated.


The ‘Conversations’ section lists the chat conversations that people have had with the Xurrent Virtual Agent in Xurrent Self Service.

Search Phrases

This section contains graphs that show the number of searches that were performed and their conversion rate (a conversion happens whenever a user selects an item from the search results). These graphs are available for searches that were performed in the Service Desk console, as well as the ones executed in Self Service.

Survey Responses

This section contains the responses to the service rating surveys. Each response has a rating that is based on the ratings and weights of the individual answers to the survey questions about the service that was surveyed. The individual answers are listed in the Answers section. Survey responses are anonymous.