Xurrent Help

Project Category Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Project Category form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Name field is used to enter the name of the project category. Ideally the name of a project category consists of a single word, such as “Large”.


The Description field is used to enter a very short description of the project category, for example “More than 200 workdays or $200K”.


The Disabled box is checked when the project category may not be related to any more projects.


The Reference field is automatically set to the Name field value, written in lowercase characters and with all spaces replaced by the underscore character. This reference can be used to link the project category to a project using the Xurrent REST API or the Xurrent Import functionality.

The reference no longer gets updated if the project category is linked to one or more projects.


The Information field is used to add any additional information about the project category that might prove useful, especially for project managers when they need to decide which project category to select for a project.

This field allows basic text formatting.


The Projects table field lists all the projects to which the project category is linked.