Xurrent Help

Holiday Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Holiday form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Picture field is used to add a picture that represents the holiday.

Click on the picture to enlarge it or to change it.


The Name field is used to enter the name of the holiday.

Example: 2010 Official Company Christmas Holiday


The Start field is used to select the start date and time of the holiday.

If the holiday starts at midnight at the start of a day, specify 00:00 for the hours and minutes.


The End field is used to select the last day and end time of the holiday.

If the holiday ends at midnight at the end of a day, specify 12:00am or 24:00 for the hours and minutes.


The Calendars table field is used to link the holiday to the calendars that need to take the holiday into account.