Xurrent Help

Dashboard Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Dashboard form and provides utilisation guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilisation Guideline

The Name field is used to enter the name of the dashboard.


The Owner field is used to change the owner of the dashboard. By default it is set to the author. Only the owner of a dashboard can edit a dashboard. After changing the owner, both the previous and the new owner are notified.


The Visibility field controls the visibility of the dashboard. Possible values are:

  • Private – The dashboard is only visible for the author, and to people with the Account Administrator role or Account Designer role.
  • Shared Within Account – The dashboard is visible for everyone with access to dashboards within the account.
  • Shared With Members of Team(s) – The dashboard is visible for teams within the account that are linked in the Teams table field.
  • Shared With Members of Skill Pool(s) – The dashboard is visible for skill pools within the account that are linked in the Skill Pools table field.

The Teams table field is used to relate the dashboard to the team(s) that should be able to view it.

Skill Pools

The Skill Pools table field is used to relate the dashboard to the skill pool(s) that should be able to view it.

Default dashboard

The Default dashboard box is checked when the dashboard should open automatically when someone opens the Analytics console. This checkbox is available only when the Visibility field of the dashboard is set to “Shared Within Account”.

Shared with key contacts

The Shared with key contacts box is checked when the dashboard should be visible in Xurrent Self Service by persons with the Key Contact role from organisations related in the Link organisations... table field. Only a person with the Account Administrator or Account Designer role can share a dashboard with key contacts.


The Organisations table field is used to relate the dashboard to the organisation(s) of which the key contacts can view it.