Xurrent Help

Custom View Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Custom View form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Name field is used to enter a name that describes which records are included in the custom view.


The Disabled box is checked when the custom view may not yet, or no longer, be used by any custom suggest fields to allow users to select records from the custom view.


The Reference field is automatically set to the Name field value, written in lowercase characters and with all spaces replaced by the underscore character. This reference can be used by integrations to uniquely identify the custom view.

Record type

The Record type field is used to specify the type of record the custom view needs to contain.


The State field is used to select one of the states in which records of the type selected in the Record type field can exist (of example: “Enabled” or “Disabled”). The selected state acts as a filter on the custom view. Leave this field empty if records of all states should be included in the view.

Search phrase

The Search phrase field is used to filter the records of the type selected in the Record type field on a string that exists in the subject or name field of those records.

Search fields

The Search fields table field is used to make certain fields of the custom view searchable. This field is only available when Record type is Configuration item.

Metadata fields

The Metadata fields table field is used to select attributes to expose in custom-suggest fields based on custom views. These attributes will then be available to use in the UI extension Javascript.

UI extensions

The UI extensions field shows the UI extensions that include a custom suggest field that makes use of the custom view to limit the values users can select in the custom suggest field.


The Filters field is used to apply filters to the custom view to limit the records that are included in the custom view.