The table below lists the fields of the Calendar form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.
Field Label
Utilization Guideline
The Name field is used to enter the name of the calendar.
Example: 24×7 except Sunday 8:00pm until Monday 5:00am
The Disabled box is checked when the calendar may no longer be related to other records.
Active hours
The Active hours field is actually a set that is made up of the following three fields:
The Weekday field is used to select a day of the week during which the calendar is to be active.
The From field is used to select the time at which the calendar becomes active on the weekday selected in the Weekday field. If the time starts at midnight, specify 12:00am or 00:00.
The Until field is used to select the time at which the calendar stops being active on the weekday selected in the Weekday field. If the time ends at midnight, specify 12:00am or 24:00.
The Holidays table field is used to select the holidays during which the active hours of the calendar do not apply.
The Teams table field lists the teams by which the calendar is used. Calendars are linked to teams to define their work hours.
Service offerings
The Service offerings table field lists the service offerings by which the calendar is used. Calendars are related to service offerings to define their service hours and support hours.