Xurrent Help

Automation Rule Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Automation Rule form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Name field is used to enter a short name for the automation rule.


The Disabled box is checked when the automation rule should not be triggered.


The Description field is used to enter a high-level description of the automation rule’s function.


The Trigger field is used to specify when the automation rule is to be triggered, e.g. when the status of the record to which the rule is related is updated.


The Expressions field is used to define expressions that can subsequently be used to define the rule’s conditions and the update action(s) that the rule is to perform. There are many operators that can be used to define expressions.

The name of each expression can be updated by clicking on the label of the expression.


The Condition field is used to define the condition that needs to be met in order for the update action(s) of the rule to be performed. The expressions that are defined in the rule can be used in the Condition field.


The Update field of an action is used to define which record is to be updated. The expressions that are defined in the rule can be used in the Update field. For example, if the rule is related to a task and the 2nd request that is linked to the workflow to which the task belongs is to be updated by the action, specify: workflow.requests[2]. To update all requests of the workflow, specify: workflow.requests.


The Set field is used to specify the field and the value that this field needs to get in the record defined in the Update field when the action is executed.


The Add field is used to specify the other record or records that need to be added (i.e. linked) to the record defined in the Update field.


The Clear field is used to specify the other record or records that need to be removed (i.e. unlinked) from the record defined in the Update field.


The Clear field is used to specify the field which value needs to be cleared (i.e. made empty) in the record defined in the Update field.

Add note

The Add note field is used to define a note that is to be added to the record defined in the Update field when the action is executed. The expressions that are defined in the rule can be included in the note by pressing the icon in the text formatting bar with the two curly brackets, or by entering the { symbol twice. Expressions that are prefixed by the @ symbol can be selected to ensure that the person who the expression defines is mentioned in the note and will therefore receive a notification.


The Call field is used to select the webhook that the automation rule should call when its condition is met.


The Payload field is used to specify the expressions which value the webhook that is selected in the Call field must include in its payload when it is called by the automation rule.



Detailed examples of automation rules for common use cases can be found in Automation Rule Examples.