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A sprint is a (time boxed) period of time in which a team works. Sprints are part of a scrum workspace. At any point of time only a single sprint can be active. A sprint contains multiple items that together form the scope of that sprint.

A sprint becomes active when it is started (at which point the team commits to the scope of that sprint). Starting a sprint also automatically creates a new sprint (with status ‘Registered’) to allow the scope for the next iteration to be defined. A sprint becomes ‘Completed’ when it is finished, at which point the next (‘Registered’) sprint may be started.

An active sprint is closely linked to the scrum workspace’s agile board. All items of the sprint are placed on the agile board at the start of the sprint. The team then uses the agile board to track the progress of the work on the item within the sprint. An item is considered ‘Done’ when it is moved to the last column of the agile board. An active sprint’s scope changes when items are added to, or removed from, the agile board as the items will also be added to, or removed from, that sprint.

Only members of the scrum workspace’s team, and administrators, can manage sprints in that workspace.

The Sprint Fields page provides field utilization guidelines for each field of the Sprint form.