Xurrent Help

Agile Board Column Fields

The table below lists the fields of the Agile Board Column form and provides utilization guidelines for each field.

Field Label Utilization Guideline

The Name field is used to enter a name for the agile board column.

WIP limit

The WIP (Work In Progress) limit field is used to enter the maximum number of assignments that are expected to be in the column at any point in time.

Remove after

The Remove after field is used to enter the number of days after which an assignment that is placed in the column is automatically removed from the agile board.


The Action field is used to specify how an assignment is to be updated when it is placed in the column.

The available options are:

  • None – An item is not updated when it is placed in the column.
  • Assign – The status of the item is set to ‘Assigned’ when it is placed in the column.
  • Accept – The status of the item is set to ‘Accepted’ when it is placed in the column.
  • Start – The status of the item is set to ‘In Progress’ when it is placed in the column.
  • Complete – The status of the item is set to ‘Completed’ when it is placed in the column.

The Team field is used to select the team to which an item needs to be assigned when it is placed in the column.

This field is available only when the Action field is set to ‘Assign’.


The Member field is used to select the person to whom an item needs to be assigned when it is placed in the column.

This field is available only when the Action field is set to ‘Assign’ and a team is selected in the Team field.

Clear member

The Clear member field is used to set an automatic action to clear the member field when a record is moved to this column.

This field is available only when the Action field is set to ‘Assign’.

Dialog type

The Dialog type field is used to specify what type of dialog needs to pop up when an assignment is placed in the column.

The available options are:

  • None – A dialog will not pop up when an item is placed in the column.
  • Minimal – A small dialog pops up to allow the person who places an item in the column to update its assignment or add a note.
  • Full – When someone places an item in the column, the complete form of the item pops up.